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Marketing Articles
Planning Your Yearly Promotions. 
How Do I Attract New Customers? 
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How Do I Attract New Customers?
- Offer Free seminars and workshops. If you’ve tried seminars and workshops before and did not have the best results, give them a second chance. Consumers are hungry for information. These educational opportunities don’t have to be costly and elaborate in planning. Often times, the simplest topic that requires little to no preparation becomes a very important tool in luring new customers to your store and in keeping them coming back.
- Sell to new markets. If your market is too narrow, it will stifle your growth. Find new ways your products could appeal to other markets. For example, not all pet owners are families between the ages of 35 and 50. Make an attempt to appeal to other age groups. Offer a senior citizens discount day.
- Write a local newspaper article or host a radio show. Many times, local newspapers and radio stations welcome the opportunity to feature a credible source from the community to add interest to their program. Contact your local newspaper and radio station and inquire about their interest in a pet article or show. This exposure is an great way to get your company’s name out in front of the consumer as the expert in your area.
- Try advertising where your competition doesn’t. For example, if your competition is using mostly direct mail marketing, you should take a different route with a heavy emphasis on shared mailing (Valassis) or distribution in the newspaper to capture all of the possible customers that the competition is missing.
- Give away Free samples of products. Everyone loves something free. Feature this as a coupon in your advertising flyer and track their zip codes to identify your market.
- Join forces with other independent business owners. It is a well-known fact that there is strength in numbers. Start with local businesses, your suppliers, vendors and customers and look for ways that you can form a partnership to promote each other’s business.
Planning for Profits with Tie-In Items
Make your advertising do double duty. Place a bulletin board or free-standing sign near the entrance of your store so customers know the products you are advertising that week.
Create seasonal "packages" containing companion items. For example, offer a special "new puppy" package with items like puppy pads, food & water bowl, leash, collar, toys, and pet bed.
Make the most of your advertising dollar. When advertising an item on sale, mention companion items. Customers reading the ad will then know that you carry related items as well.
Help your products sell each other. Related items should be displayed beside each other to motivate customers to buy companion products. Signage should also suggest tie-in sales.
Encourage your staff to suggest additional items with each purchase. Remind employees to suggest useful items to each customer like chew toys and Natures Miraclefor a new puppy, etc..
Why Should Customers Shop Your Store?
Listed are a few benefits that you can use as an idea starter for your management team to think about why customers should shop your store. They may also be helpful in planning future marketing and advertising campaigns as well as future growth.
There are three ways you can use this list:
- Cross out any products you don’t offer and do not plan to offer
- Circle any products you don’t presently offer, but should consider adding.
- Ask your employees to add to the list.
- Well-trained employees
- Knowledgeable staff
- Friendly courteous staff
- Attractive, comfortable store
- Competitive prices
- Convenient shopping hours
- Wide assortment of product lines
- Hard-to-find items in stock
- Special orders welcome
- Well-lighted parking
- Customer seminars
- Delivery service
- No hassle returns
- Fast, friendly check outs